Choose Your Destiny

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One of my favorite stories is the one about the hot dog vendor. Maybe it’s because I love hot dogs, or maybe it’s because it is such an insightful story.

Perhaps you have heard it before. There’s this guy who runs a hot dog stand in the city and he does pretty good with it. Good enough in fact that he can afford to send his son off to college. While his son is off to college the dad continues to grow his business, by the time his son graduates from college his dad has 10 hot dogs stands around the city and no less than 15 employees. His business is booming!

Well, his son is shocked by all this growth. He tells his dad that times are bad, he shouldn’t be growing like this in “down” times, and he certainly shouldn’t be adding employees. He needs to be careful…

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How Bloggers Can Grow Each Others Readership

Growing Fellow Bloggers

Steve Farnsworth's Old Blog

Blog Blogging Tips Content Marketing Grow Readership B2B


If you are a blogger for a mid-sized company, or trying to build a B2B’s reputation, growing your readership is an ongoing objective. This is the same challenge that all business bloggers and individual bloggers struggle with alike.

I have always thought Twitter was a marvelous way to help grow your blog readership by helping others grow theirs. Bloggers supporting bloggers. That sounded like s stupid simple thing that any blogger would get behind. However, for whatever reason this wishful reciprocity only happens sporadically at best…until now.

Click to Tweet ★   How Bloggers Can Grow Each Others Readership  ★

A lot of requests from fellow bloggers to share their latest post flow into my DM and email boxes. I don’t mind when I know the requester well, or have had some meaningful exchange on social media, or have met in real life. Heck, I enjoy helping friends…

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The Golden Rule of J. C. Penney

J.C. Penney a true shopping story:


Myself By T.V. Antony Raj


If you are living in America or visited US, I am sure you would have shopped at JCPenney at some time or other. J. C. Penney Company, Inc., commonly known as JCPenney is a chain of American mid-range department stores based in Plano, Texas.

On April 14, 1902, when he was 27 years old,  James Cash Penney  began his career in retail management when he opened his first store in Kemmerer, Wyoming, in partnership with Guy Johnson and Thomas Callahan. He named it “The Golden Rule.”  In fact, when Penney opened his first several stores they were called that. Two more stores were created with his participation.

In 1907, when Johnson and Callahan dissolved their partnership, Penney purchased full interest in all three locations.

By following rigid economies and selling for cash, Penney made substantial profits and eventually established a chain of such stores.

By 1912, Penney had 34 Golden Rule stores in…

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The beautiful New Apple TV

New Apple TV

Please do not bully your old flat panel, after all you can re-assign it to another room; or donate it to a charitable cause!

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 Here It Is, The New Apple TV


What a delicious concept to Mother Your Own Business!  Well it should be Mothered, after all don’t our clients need it sometimes?  On this Mothers Day, I thought it particularly important to focus on getting a bit personal in business.

Getting personal may take a nicely baked cake, a half-baked idea, or a good swift kick in the pants!

Mothers Day 2012, let’s also give our Moms some kudos, after all she helped create the entrepreuneral genius that your are, and have M.D. stand for Mothers Day!

Just a thought! So, Mother your clients, and reward your Mom! Genius. Of course!

Notes: A Purse shaped cake is a good reminder that the relationship still involves $$$,
prompt payments are still expected, as per contractual obligations (Mom is very
proud of this last line)!