How Bloggers Can Grow Each Others Readership

Growing Fellow Bloggers

Steve Farnsworth's Old Blog

Blog Blogging Tips Content Marketing Grow Readership B2B


If you are a blogger for a mid-sized company, or trying to build a B2B’s reputation, growing your readership is an ongoing objective. This is the same challenge that all business bloggers and individual bloggers struggle with alike.

I have always thought Twitter was a marvelous way to help grow your blog readership by helping others grow theirs. Bloggers supporting bloggers. That sounded like s stupid simple thing that any blogger would get behind. However, for whatever reason this wishful reciprocity only happens sporadically at best…until now.

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A lot of requests from fellow bloggers to share their latest post flow into my DM and email boxes. I don’t mind when I know the requester well, or have had some meaningful exchange on social media, or have met in real life. Heck, I enjoy helping friends…

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The Slow Food Show: Salone del Gusto 2012 in Turin Italy

Torino 2012 Salone del Gusto

Vino Con Vista Adventures of the Globe-Trotting Wino

Residences of the Royal House of Savoy (Italy)
Image by Jetske19 via Flickr

The Slow Food Show: Salon del Gusto is a mecca for artisinal food and wine lovers in Turin, Italy.

WHEN: The event takes place between October 25-29, 2012.

WHERE: Lingotto Fiere at Via Nizza 280 in Turin, Italy.

Buy TICKETS here.

Nebbiolo has a long history in the Alba region...

“Slow Food’s approach to agriculture, food production and gastronomy is based on a concept of food quality defined by three interconnected principles:

GOOD a fresh and flavorsome seasonal diet that satisfies the senses and is part of our local culture;

CLEAN food production and consumption that does not harm the environment, animal welfare or our health;

FAIR accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for small-scale producers.”

Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre: A Single Event in 2012 with a network of food communities made up of producers, chefs, Taste Workshops and educational activities. Terra Madre is a network of…

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Beaux-arts : les grands peintres à l’épreuve de la colorimétrie

The Brush & Lens Time:

Pegasus Data Project

Les pigments de Van Gogh, Gauguin ou Monet sont-ils solubles dans une étude colorimétrique ?

Dans une démarche plus artistique que scientifique, Arthur Buxton (son site : nous livre des tableaux tout à fait fascinants*. Mesurant les principaux tons de couleurs des plus grandes oeuvres d’un panel de peintres du tournant du XXe siècle, cet artiste les restitue sous la forme de diagrammes circulaires qui, réalisés en séries, nous offrent une vision inédite de la palette de nuances de leurs auteurs respectifs ! Finalement, une telle démarche relève bien d’une volonté de data visualization qui n’est pas sans applications possibles dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art.

Clé de lecture : les diagrammes reproduisent toujours les 5 couleurs principales des tableaux analysés.

Claude Monet (1840-1926)

Paul Gauguin (1848-1903)

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

August Macke (1887-1914)

Dix artistes sur une décennie : colorimétries comparées

Le tableau…

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Smartly Me Lass and Le Pirate Day

Speak Like A Pirate Day fun!


“I’d love to drop anchor in your lagoon.”

Pirate Opus

Le Pirate Way of Speaking

How to Talk Like A French Pirate (courtesy of  Gus la Flibuste). (MS Word document) – This one is my favorite, of course, bien entendu!

Phot Merci – alteredimagefancydress

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Uncle Sam Day

Uncle Sam

“I Want You”



Origin of Uncle Sam Day:

There are two theories as to how Uncle Sam emerged. Both date back to the early 1800’s.

The officially recognized theory dates back to soldiers stationed near Troy, New York during the war of 1812. Barrels of meat they received were stamped “U.S.” The supplier was Samuel Wilson of Troy, New York. Solders jokingly referred to him as “Uncle Sam”. In 1813, the first image of “Uncle Sam” appeared. In 1961, the U.S. Congress issued a resolution recognizing “Uncle Sam” Wilson, and authorizing a monument in his hometown in Troy, NY.

There is a second, less popular theory of the creation of Uncle Sam. During the early 1800’s, Irish immigrants were coming to America. Some believed that Uncle Sam emerged from these immigrants. In their Gaelic language, the United Stares of America was “Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá”, abbreviated “SAM”.

Uncle Sam Day became official in 1989, when a joint resolution of Congress designated September 13 “Uncle Sam Day”.  This date was selected, as “Uncle Sam” Wilson was born on September 13, 1776.

Article via HolidayInsights